Three weeks ago, I did a 9 day nutritional cleansing and rebalancing program that helped me loose 7 lbs in 9 days! That Friday, the day right after my last cleanse day, Marina invited me over to her house to cook Russian dishes. What luck! We were up by 6 AM that Saturday and by 12 PM, we made five Russian dishes for her international dinner with her girlfriends. This is one of the recipes she taught me. It was passed down to her from her grandmother. It's very simple and you can basically pair it with any side dish. I opted for roasted veggies since it's a nobrainer.
1.5 lbs catfish
1 large sweet onion
2 cups of shredded carrots
Grapeseed oil (it's healthier than olive and canola oil)
Tomato paste
Vegetable broth
1) Cut catfish into medium-sized pieces. Keep in mind it will shrink when you pan fry it.
2) Salt and pepper fish on both sides.
3) On medium-heated pan, fry both sides of fish until it's about 2/3 done with oil.
4) Take fish out and set aside on plate.
5) On another clean pan, caramelize sweet onions with oil until they are brown. (This is my favorite part for I love the smell of onions cooking).
6) Add the shredded carrots and continue caramelizing them together.
7) Add tomato paste, sugar, a little broth and ketchup to taste. Add a little at a time and taste it until you have the right consistency of sweet and sour.
8) Add fish to the sauce and gently mix both making sure the fish is covered from top to bottom with the sauce.
9) Let the flavors sit for another 5 minutes.
10) ENJOY!